Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conflict Family

Ordinary People by Judith Guest is the story of a dysfunctional family who relate to one another through a series of extensive defense mechanisms, i. e. an unconscious process whereby reality is distorted to reduce or prevent anxiety. The book opens with seventeen year old Conrad, son of upper middle-class Beth and Calvin Jarrett, home after eight months in a psychiatric hospital, there because he had attempted suicide by slashing his wrists. His mother is a meticulously orderly person who, Jared, through projection, feels despises him. She does all the right things; attending to Jared's physical needs, keeping a spotless home, plays golf and bridge with other women in her social circle, but, in her own words â€Å"is an emotional cripple†. Jared's father, raised in an orphanage, seems anxious to please everyone, a commonplace reaction of individuals who, as children, experienced parental indifference or inconsistency. Though a successful tax attorney, he is jumpy around Conrad, and! , according to his wife, drinks too many martinis. Conrad seems consumed with despair. A return to normalcy, school and home-life, appear to be more than Conrad can handle. Chalk-faced, hair-hacked Conrad seems bent on perpetuating the family myth that all is well in the world. His family, after all, â€Å"are people of good taste. They do not discuss a problem in the face of the problem. And, besides, there is no problem. † Yet, there is not one problem in this family but two – Conrad's suicide and the death by drowning of Conrad's older brother, Buck. Conrad eventually contacts a psychiatrist, Dr. Berger, because he feels the â€Å"air is full of flying glass† and wants to feel in control. Their initial sessions together frustrate the psychiatrist because of Conrad's inability to express his feelings. Berger cajoles him into expressing his emotions by saying, â€Å"That's what happens when you bury this junk, kiddo. It keeps resurfacing. Won't leave you alone. † Conrad's slow but steady journey towards healing seems partially the result of cathartic revelations which purge guilt feelings regarding his brother's death and his family's denial of that death, plus the â€Å"love of a good woman. Jeannine, who sings soprano to Conrad's tenor†¦ † There is no doubt that Conrad is consumed with guilt, â€Å"the feeling one has when one acts contrary to a role he has assumed while interacting with a significant person in his life,† This guilt engenders in Conrad feelings of low self esteem. Survivors of horrible tragedies, such as the Holocaust, frequently express similar feelings of worthlessness. In his book, â€Å"Against All Odds†, William Helmreich relates how one survivor articulates a feeling of abandonment. â€Å"Did I abandon them, or did they abandon me? † Conrad expresses a similar thought in remembering the sequence of events when the sailboat they were on turned over. Buck soothes Conrad saying, â€Å"Okay, okay. They'll be looking now, for sure, just hang on, don't get tired, promise? In an imagined conversation with his dead brother, Conrad asks, â€Å"‘Man, why'd you let go? ‘ ‘Because I got tired. ‘ ‘The hell! You never get tired, not before me, you don't! You tell me not to get tired, you tell me to hang on, and then you let go! ‘ ‘! I couldn't help it. Well, screw you, then! ‘† Conrad feels terrible anger with his brother, but cannot comfortably express that anger. His psychiatrist, after needling Conrad, asks, â€Å"Are you mad? When Conrad responds that he is not mad, the psychiatrist says, â€Å"Now that is a lie. You are mad as hell. † Conrad asserts that, â€Å"When you let yourself feel, all you feel is lousy. † When his psychiatrist questions him about his relationship with his mother, Calvin says, â€Å"My mother and I do not connect. Why should it bother me? My mother is a very private person. † This sort of response is called, in psychological literature, â€Å"rationalization†. We see Conrad's anger and aggression is displaced, i. e. vented on another, as when he physically attacked a schoolmate. Yet, he also turns his anger on himself and expresses in extreme and dangerous depression and guilt. â€Å"Guilt is a normal emotion felt by most people, but among survivors it takes on special meaning. Most feel guilty about the death of loved ones whom they feel they could have, or should have, saved. Some feel guilty about situations in which they behaved selfishly (Conrad held on to the boat even after his brother let go), even if there was no other way to survive. In answer to a query from his psychiatrist on when he last got really mad, Conrad responds, â€Å"When it comes, there's always too much of it. I don't know how to handle it. † When Conrad is finally able to express his anger, Berger, the psychiatrist says to Calvin, â€Å"Razoring is anger; self-mutilation is anger. So this is a good sign; turning his anger outward at last. † Because his family, and especially his mother, frowns upon public displays of emotion, Conrad keeps his feelings bottled up, which further contributes to depression. Encyclopedia Britannica, in explicating the dynamics of depression states, â€Å"Upon close study, the attacks on the self are revealed to be unconscious expressions of disappointment and anger toward another person, or even a circumstance†¦ deflected from their real direction onto the self. The aggression, therefore, directed toward the outside world is turned against the self. † The article further asserts that, â€Å"There are three cardinal psychodynamic considerations in depression: (1) a deep sense of loss of what is loved or valued, which may be a person, a thing or even liberty; (2) a conflict of mixed feelings of love and hatred toward what is loved or highly valued; (3) a heightened overcritical concern with the self. † Conrad's parents are also busily engaged in the business of denial. Calvin, Conrad's father, says, â€Å"Don't worry. Everything is all right. By his own admission, he drinks too much, â€Å"because drinking helps†¦ , deadening the pain†. Calvin cannot tolerate conflict. Things must go smoothly. â€Å"Everything is jello and pudding with you, Dad. † Calvin, the orphan says, â€Å"Grief is ugly. It is something to be afraid of, to get rid of†. â€Å"Safety and order. Definitely the priorities of his life. He constantly questions himself as to whether or not he is a good father. â€Å"What is fatherhood, anyway? † Beth, Conrad's mother, is very self-possessed. She appears to have a highly developed super-ego, that part of an individual's personality which is â€Å"moralistic†¦ , meeting the demands of social convention, which can be irrational in requiring certain behaviors in spite of reason, convenience and common sense†. She is furthermore, a perfectionist. â€Å"Everything had to be perfect, never mind the impossible hardship it worked on her, on them all. † Conrad is not unlike his mother. He is an overachiever, an â€Å"A† student, on the swim team and a list-maker. His father tells the psychiatrist, â€Å"I see her not being able to forgive him. For surviving, maybe. No, that's not it, for being too much like her. † A psychoanalyst might call her anal retentive. Someone who is â€Å"fixated symbolically in orderliness and a tendency toward perfectionism†. â€Å"Excessive self-control, not expressing feelings, guards against anxiety by controlling any expression of emotion and denying emotional investment in a t! hing or person. â€Å"She had not cried at the funeral†¦. She and Conrad had been strong and calm throughout. The message of the book is contained in Berger's glib saying that, â€Å"People who keep stiff upper lips find that it's damn hard to smile†. We see Conrad moving toward recovery and the successful management of his stage of development, as articulated by Erikson, â€Å"intimacy vs. isolation†. At story end, his father is more open with Conrad, moving closer to him, while his mother goes off on her own to work out her issues. Both trying to realize congruence in their development stage (Erikson), â€Å"ego integrity vs. despair†.

The History Of The Life Cycle Costing Accounting Essay

Capital goods are machines or merchandises that are used by makers to bring forth their end-products or by service organisations to present their services. E.g. power generators, medical equipment used by infirmaries to name and handle patients, trains used by a service organisation such as Virgin Trains to transport clients to their finishs. Capital goods are one of the most of import parts of a company or organisation ‘s assets. They can be used for their useable life to bring forth the merchandises or services for the clients and increase the value. It is the involvement of both the manufacturer/supplier and customer/user to hold a full apprehension of the capital good life rhythm and its associated costs. It is widely believed that there are several life rhythm theoretical accounts in industry to see and most of them are instead similar. Fig. 2.1 shows one general life rhythm theoretical account: Fig. 2.1 A General Life Cycle Model ( Source: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Phase 1 Conceive: The life rhythm starts with the definition of the capital good based on clients ‘ demands. Phase 2 Design: This stage consists of elaborate design and development of the capital good, prototype testing, pilot release and full merchandise launch. It can besides affect redesign and betterment to bing capital good. Phase 3 Realize: Once the design of the capital good is complete the method of fabrication is defined. Phase 4 Service: The concluding stage of the life rhythm involves pull offing of in service information, supplying clients and service applied scientists with support information for fix and care. Finally, there is an end-of-life to the capital good. It needs to be considered whether it is disposal or devastation of stuff. One of the most singular things about life rhythm is that life rhythm procedure is iterative ( Fig. 2.2 ) . It is ever possible that something does n't work good in any stage sufficiency to endorse up into a anterior stage. Fig. 2.2 The loop feature of life rhythm procedure ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Another life rhythm theoretical account is developed by Kumar, et Al. ( 2000 ) , which consists of 5 stages ( Fig. 2.3 ) . In the first stage, demands and demands are defined based on feedback from the clients and cognition of proficient possibilities. From the specifications of the capital good major proficient parametric quantities can be defined. Following, the system is wholly designed. After that, multiple units of the system are produced. Then, in the development stage, the capital good/system is used, by and large for extended periods ( 10-40 old ages ) . Finally, the capital good/system is disposed of. Fig. 2.3 Life rhythm of a capital good ( Kumar, et al. , 2000 ) To find the costs associated with the different stages, Life Cycle Costing ( LCC ) analysis can be a really utile tool. 2.2 Life Cycle Costing LCC analysis was foremost introduced and developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in order to minimise the disbursals of their purchased equipment. Nowadays the construct is widely used in both private and public sectors every bit good as in different capital goods industries. In Fig. 2.4 a typical illustration is given on the costs distribution associated with the different stages of the capital good life rhythm. Fig. 2.4 Costs distribution of the capital good life rhythm To be brief, Life Cycle Costing ( LCC ) is a methodological analysis for measuring assets that takes into consideration all costs originating from having, runing, keeping, and disposing of the plus ( Fuller and Peterson, 1996 ) . It is the entire discounted cost of acquisition, operation, care and disposal of an plus or system over a fixed period of clip. The elements of cost will be added together to give the entire cost for each point and a expansive sum for the plus through its life clip on a common footing for the period of involvement. LCC analysis enables determinations on acquisition, care, renovation or disposal of the plus to be made in the visible radiation of full cost deductions. Following are two decompositions of costs from different positions. From the position of clients, they are most interested in the Entire Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) . The Entire Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) is the summing up of the cost of geting and having or change overing an point of stuff, piece of equipment, or service and post-ownership cost, including the disposal of risky and other fabrication waste. It besides includes the cost of lost gross as a consequence of downtime or break of service or stop merchandise. Therefore, under the traditional contract ( without the performance-based logistics or power by the hr contract ) : TCO = C acquisition + C care + C downtime + C disposal ( 2.1 ) Acquisition costs: It is the costs during the first three stages of the capital good life rhythm ( Fig. 2.3 ) , viz. , the initial cost incurred prior to seting the system into service which in many instances is high. It reflected in the gross revenues monetary value for new systems. The remainder of the TCO occurs after the purchase stage. Multiple types of costs arise during the development stage, with care and downtime accounting for the largest proportion. Care costs consist of all the resources needed for care, which may be executed by the client or by the maker or a 3rd party. In any instance, the points that have to be paid for include trim parts, service/maintenance applied scientists, substructure and direction. Downtime costs may dwell of direct costs, such as those caused by a decrease in the end product of a mill, and indirect costs, such as those caused by loss of repute and resulting loss of future grosss. Finally, in the disposal stage, there will be disposal costs. Disposal cost is the cost or addition of acquiring rid of assets after usage. These may be important if systems contain environmentally unfriendly stuffs. In many instances, the disposal costs are low. While in some instances, systems or parts of systems may be refurbished and can be reused, so that disposal may even take to gross alternatively of cost. To give an feeling of how high the costs of a capital good may be after purchase, Fig. 2.5 shows how the TCO of an engineer-to-order system is divided over the acquisition, care and downtime costs ( A-ner et al. , 2007 ) . Fig. 2.5 the TCO of an engineer-to-order system The consequences showed that the sum of down clip costs can account up to 48 % of entire LCC while care cost history for 27 % . For other systems, we may acquire different Numberss, but by and large the tendency is the same: the acquisition costs history for merely a fraction of the TCO. The care and downtime costs accounted for a important proportion. When the clients buy a new system, they are implicitly doing farther investings that are 2-4 times every bit great as the acquisition costs. Therefore, it is of involvement of both original equipment makers ( OEM ) and their clients to minimise the TCO. Another decomposition of costs is given by El-Haram and Horner ( 2003 ) . Harmonizing to their survey, Life rhythm costing is composed of entire acquisition cost, entire installation direction ( operation and support ) costs, and entire disposal cost: CT = C acquisition + C installation direction + C disposal ( 2.2 ) Facility Management Costs: Under LCC analysis, installation direction ( operation and care ) costs are future disbursals which are similar to the care and downtime costs. Facility direction costs may be two to three times higher than acquisition costs. Therefore, there is a demand to plan undertakings that minimizes installation direction costs. 2.3 The Life Cycle Costing Process Life Cycle Costing is a six-staged procedure as show in Fig. 2.6: Fig. 2.6 Life Cycle Costing procedure ( Life Cycle Costing guideline, 2004 )Phase 1 Plan LCC analysisThe Life Cycle Costing procedure begins with the development of a program, which addresses the intent and range of the analysis. The program should: Specify the analysis aims in footings of public presentation required to help direction determinations. Describe the range of the analysis sing the life-time of the capital goods/assets, the operating environment and the care support resources to be employed etc. Identify any implicit in conditions, premises, restrictions and restraints ( such as minimal plus public presentation, handiness demands or maximal capital cost restrictions ) that might curtail the scope of acceptable options to be evaluated. Supply an estimation of resources required and a coverage agenda for the analysis to guarantee that the LCC consequences will be available to back up the decision-making procedure. The program should be documented at the beginning of the Life Cycle Costing procedure to supply a focal point for the remainder of the work. Thus the customers/users can reexamine the program to guarantee their demands have been right interpreted and clearly addressed.Phase 2 Select/develop LCC theoretical accountPhase 2 is the choice or development of a LCC theoretical account that satisfies the aims of the analysis. LCC theoretical account contains footings and factors which enable appraisal of all relevant constituent costs. Before choosing a theoretical account, the intent of the analysis and the information it requires should be identified. The theoretical account should besides be reviewed with regard to the pertinence of all cost elements, empirical relationships, invariables and variables. A figure of available theoretical accounts can be used for LCC analysis. And in some instances it is appropriate to develop a specific theoretical account. In either instance, the LCC theoretical account should: Construct a cost dislocation construction ( CBS ) that identifies all relevant cost classs in all appropriate life rhythm stages. Cost classs should go on to be broken down until a cost can be readily estimated for each person cost component. Identify the cost elements that wo n't hold important impacts on the overall LCC of the capital goods/assets. These elements may be eliminated from farther consideration. Make appropriate premises which should be documented to steer and back up the subsequent stages of the analysis procedure. Choose a method for gauging the cost associated with each cost component to be included in the theoretical account. iˆ Determine the information required to develop the estimations and place beginnings for the informations. Identify uncertainnesss that are likely to be associated with the appraisal of the cost elements. Integrate the single cost elements into a incorporate LCC theoretical account, which provides the LCC consequences required to run into the analysis aims.Phase 3 Apply LCC theoretical accountApplication of the LCC Model involves the undermentioned stairss: Obtain informations and develop cost estimations and their timing for all the basic cost elements in the LCC theoretical account. Identify cost drivers by analyzing LCC theoretical account inputs and end products to find the cost elements that have the most important impact on the LCC of the capital goods/assets. Validate the LCC theoretical account with available historical informations if possible. Summarize and categorise the LCC theoretical account outputs harmonizing to the logical groupings ( e.g. fixed or variable costs, acquisition or ownership costs, direct or indirect costs ) . Conduct sensitiveness analyses to analyze the impact of fluctuations to premises and cost component uncertainnesss on LCC theoretical account consequences. Particular attending should be focused on cost drivers, premises related to plus use and different price reduction rates. Review LCC outputs against the aims defined in the analysis program phase to guarantee that all ends have been fulfilled and that sufficient information has been provided to back up the determination. If the aims are non met, extra ratings and alterations to the LCC theoretical account may be required.Phase 4 Document and reexamine LCC consequencesThe consequences of the LCC analysis ( including all premises ) should be documented to guarantee that the consequences can be verified and readily replicated by another analyst if necessary and let the customers/users to clearly understand both the end products and the deductions of the analysis along with the restrictions and uncertainnesss associated with the consequences. Besides, a formal reappraisal of the analysis procedure may be required to corroborate the unity and truth of the consequences, decisions and recommendations. The study should incorporate the undermentioned basic contents: Executive Summary: a brief outline of the aims, consequences, decisions and recommendations of the analysis. Purpose and Scope: a statement of the analysis aim, plus description including a definition of intended plus usage environment, operating and support scenarios, premises, restraints. LCC Model Description: a sum-up of the LCC theoretical account, including relevant premises, the LCC cost elements and breakdown construction along with the methods of appraisal and integrating. LCC Model Application: a presentation of the LCC theoretical account consequences including the designation of cost drivers, the consequences of sensitiveness analyses and the end product from any other related analyses. Discussion: treatment and reading of the consequences including designation of uncertainnesss or other issues which will steer determination shapers and users in understanding and utilizing the consequences. Decisions and Recommendations: a presentation of decisions related to the aims of the analysis and a list of recommendations along with designation of any demand for farther work or alteration of the analysis.Phase 5 Prepare Life Cycle Costing AnalysisThe Life Cycle Costing Analysis is basically a tool, which can be used to command and pull off the on-going costs of the capital goods/assets. It is based on the LCC Model which was developed and applied during the old phases with one of import difference: it uses informations on nominal costs. The readying of the Life Cycle Costing Analysis involves reappraisal and development of the LCC Model as a â€Å" real-time † cost control mechanism. This requires altering the bing footing from discounted to nominal costs. Estimates of capital costs will be replaced by the existent monetary values paid. Changes may besides be required to the cost dislocation construction and cost elements to reflect the plus constituents to be monitored and the degree of item required. Targets are set for the operating costs and their frequence of happening based ab initio on the estimations used in the old phases. These marks may alter with clip as more accurate information is available, either from the existent plus operating costs or from benchmarking with other similar assets.Phase 6 Implement and monitor Life Cycle Costing analysisExecution of the LCC analysis involves the uninterrupted monitoring of the existent public presentation of the capital good/asset during its operation and care stages to place countries in which cost nest eggs may be made and to supply feedback for future life rhythm bing planning activities. 2.4 Life Cycle Costing Model An appropriate LCC theoretical account is provided in Fig. 2.7 by Woodward ( 1997 ) . The theoretical account shows in the first measure the cost elements of involvement are defined from the position of manufacturer/supplier and of the customer/user. The 2nd measure defines the cost construction to be used, which will ensue in the possible trade-off relationships. The following measure is to find the mathematical relationship between the costs. The 4th measure is to set up a methodological analysis to measure the trade-off points of LCC sing all the relationships and uncertainness. Finally we get the LCC analysis consequences. Fig. 2.7 the LCC analysis theoretical account ( Woodward, 1997 ) 2.4.1 Cost elements Estimating the entire LCC requires breakdown of the capital good/asset into its component cost elements over clip. The degree to which it is broken down will depend on the intent and range of the LCC survey and requires designation of: important cost generating activity constituents the clip in the life rhythm when the work/activity is to be performed Relevant resource cost classs ( e.g. labor, stuffs, fuel/energy ) Woodward ( 1997 ) identified the undermentioned of import cost elements when carry oning the LCC analysis: Acquisition costs Life of the merchandise or system Discount rate and rising prices Operating and Care costs Disposal cost Information and feedback Uncertainty and sensitiveness analysis For the last two points: Information and feedback is required to prove whether the LCC computations are accurate ; the uncertainness takes different rising prices and discounting scenarios into history ; the sensitiveness analysis measures the public presentation fluctuations and design options. For case, if a little alteration in a parametric quantity consequences in a big alteration in result, the result is sensitive to that parametric quantity. Costss associated with LCC elements may be farther allocated between repeating and non-recurring costs. LCC elements may besides be estimated in footings of fixed and variable costs. To ease control and decision-making and to back up the Life Cycle Costing procedure, the cost information should be collected and reported in a mode consistent with the defined LCC dislocation construction. 2.4.2 Cost dislocation construction In order to carry on a LCC analysis it is necessary to make a construction that facilitates the designation of undertaking costs in each of the life rhythm stages. The British Standard 5760, portion 23, has a cost dislocation construction ( CBS ) that identifies all relevant costs classs in all appropriate life rhythm stages. The life rhythm cost dislocation construction has five degrees ( Fig.2.8 ) : Fig. 2.8 LCC break-down constructions Flat 1: The undertaking degree has four stages: design, production, installation direction and disposal. Flat 2: The stage degree break down the four stages into their several cost classs, viz. the design and development costs ; the production and assembly costs ; the operation, service, support and care costs ; and the remotion and disposal costs. Flat 3: The class degree takes each class and subdivides it into its cost elements. The design and development costs include the costs related to research and development, technology design, development and trials, and design certification. The production and assembly costs comprise fabrication and assembly, installation building, and initial logistic support costs. The operation, service, support and care costs contain operations of the system in the field, maintaining the system up to an acceptable criterion through service and care, and prolonging care and logistic support throughout the system life rhythm. Finally, the remotion and disposal costs of the system are the estimated value of a system at the terminal of its expected life, including pulverizing cost, recycling or recycling cost and redemption value ( Blanchard et al. , 1995 ; Kumar et al. , 2000 ) . Flat 4: The element degree takes the classs from degree 3 and interrupt them down into their bomber cost elements. For case, the costs related to research and development can be disaggregated into the costs of forces, informations aggregation, historical information analysis and other elements. The cost of operation in the field costs can be broke down into the cost of electric, natural gas, H2O etc. Flat 5: The undertaking degree is the entire cost of all the resources required to finish a undertaking. Fig. 2.9 shows a LCC dislocation construction based on Blanchard et Al. ( 1995 ) . Life Cycle Costing ( LCC ) Design Production Facility direction Disposal Design and development Production and assembly Operations service and care Removal and disposal Research & A ; development Fabrication and assembly Operationss Engineering design Manufacturing technology Tools and trial equipment Fabrication Inspection and trial Quality control stuff Packing and transporting Service and care System technology Electrical design Mechanical design Dependability Maintainability Human factors Logistic support analysis Maintenance/support forces Spare/repair parts Trial and support equipment Transportation system and handling Maintenance/support preparation Maintenance/support installations Maintenance direction Technical informations Computer resources System downtime Construction Fabrication installations Trial installations Operational installations Care installations Development and trial Engineering theoretical accounts Trial and rating Design certification Initial logistic support System alterations Program direction Provisioning Initial stock list direction Technical informations readying Initial preparation Training equipment Trial and support equipment Fig. 2.9 LCC dislocation construction ( based on Blanchard et al. , 1995 ) Estimating cost elements The method used to gauge the cost elements in LCC computations will depend on the sum of information available. By definition, elaborate cost informations will be limited in the early phases, peculiarly during the design/acquisition stage. Cost informations during these early phases will necessitate to be based on the cost public presentation of similar plus constituents presently in operation. Where new engineering is being employed, informations can merely be based on estimated unit cost parametric quantities specified or suggested by the technician. More information on the plus constituent costs will go available during the usage of the capital good/asset, enabling more complete and descriptive costs to be defined. 2.4.4 The estimating cost relationships The bulk of the cost drivers are determined and locked up in the design stage. This stage determines the dependability, maintainability and the effectivity of the system and its constituents. It is of import to hold a good apprehension of how specified assets or systems will execute in the hereafter. Dependability is the chance that a merchandise manufactured to a given design will run throughout a specified period without sing a indictable failure, when maintained in conformity with maker ‘s instructions and non capable to the environmental or operational emphasiss beyond bounds stipulated by the maker or put Forth in the purchase understanding ( Moss and Dekker, 1985 ) . Maintainability is that component of merchandise design concerned with guaranting that ability of the merchandise to execute satisfactorily can be sustained throughout its intended utile life span with minimal outgo of money and attempt understanding ( Moss and Dekker, 1985 ) . A system is technically available when it can run into the throughput where its client agreed on. Availability of a system is typically measured as a factor of itsA dependability. The System Availability is the chance that a system will be in a status to execute its intended map when. As widely recognized, the expression for system handiness is: System availability= ( 2.3 ) In general it can be stated that LCC are mostly determined by the system handiness ( A ) demands set by the client: LCC = C ( A ) acquisition + C ( A ) maintenance+ C ( A ) downtime+ Cdisposal ( 2.4 ) A ( 2.5 ) Where MTBF: Mean-Time-Between-Failures and MTBF measures the system uptime MDT: Mean-Down-Time and MDT measures the system downtime The most of import facet of LCC in the design stage is the average clip between failures ( MTBF ) of the system. MTBF is defined as the mean clip before the first failure of a repairable system occurs ( Kumar et al. , 2000 ) . On one manus MTBF plays an of import function in the costs of the design stage, increasing the MTBF of the system will increase the system ‘s acquisition cost ( A-ner et al. , 2008 ) . On the other manus it besides plays an indispensable function in the care costs of the life rhythm, viz. , increasing the MTBF of the system will cut down the care costs. The other of import facet is the clip the system is expected to be out of operation when a failure occurs. Although system ‘s MTBF are rather long, the mean down clip ( MDT ) determines the costs of non runing for each system failure. Therefore OEMs should do certain these down times are every bit low as possible. The relationship between LCC and system handiness is complex because alterations in system handiness can increase certain LCC constituents and lower others. Thus it means that there will be a trade-off point between the MTBF, MDT and the LCC. Elaborate treatments will be made in the undermentioned chapters. 2.5 Discounting and Inflation Discounting and rising prices are two of import constituents which should be treated carefully when ciphering the LCC. Discounting is a method where the investing for a future period is adjusted to the clip value of money by a price reduction rate. A price reduction rate is the per centum of difference between the value of an investing paid in the present and the value of an investing paid in the hereafter. Besides, in LCC analysis it is common to take into history rising prices rates for the future period. In order to take some uncertainness into history different rates can be chosen. The associated price reduction rate should be used with attention, since there are differences between existent and nominal price reduction rates. The former excludes rising prices and the latter includes rising prices. In concern activities, price reduction rates are normally based on market involvement rates, that is, nominal involvement rates which include the investor ‘s outlook or general rising prices. Market involvement rates by and large serve as the footing for the choice of a nominal price reduction rate, which is used to dismiss future costs expressed in current dollars. In contrast, the existent price reduction rate needed to dismiss changeless dollar sums to show value reflects merely the existent gaining power of money, non the rate of general rising prices ( Fuller and Petersen, 1996 ) . The existent price reduction rate, vitamin D, can be derived from the nominal price reduction rate, D, if the rate of rising prices, I, is known. The relationship is as follows: ( 2.6 ) Then the general expression for the LCC present-value theoretical account is: ( 2.7 ) Where LCC= entire LCC in present-value Ct= amount of all relevant costs, including initial and future costs N= figure of old ages in the survey period, and d= existent price reduction rate used to set hard currency flows to show value Furthermore, the price reduction rate is likely to alter from period to period and there are many price reduction rates. When utilizing the existent price reduction rate in present value computations, cost should be expressed in changeless dollars. Taxs and depreciation allowances should be accounted for in LCC computations, every bit good as any local value consequence. By and large, the straight-line method of depreciation is used. It is simple to utilize and it is based on the rule that each period of the plus life should deprecate every bit ( Ellis, 2007 ) . 2.6 Decision LCC analysis is used as the footing for monitoring and direction of costs over the capital good or plus ‘s life clip. It is basically a fiscal direction tool. In pattern, costs are by and large non expressed as existent or discounted costs but as nominal costs to enable a comparing of the predicted cost and the existent cost. This enables better anticipation and accommodation of the Life Cycle Costing theoretical account. In the article wrote by Ellis ( 2007 ) , he stated that harmonizing to old surveies, old LCC computations did non bring forth dependable prognosiss. The estimated values might be rather different from existent values and that trying to gauge far in the hereafter could take to forecasting mistakes ( Ashworth, 1996 ) . And LCC is non an exact scientific discipline, end products are merely estimations and estimations are non accurate. Even so, given robust and realistic premises, LCC analysis is a utile assistance for the customers/users to compare life rhythm cost of reciprocally sole assets and find which plus provides the best value per unit money spent ( Barringer and Weber, 1996 ) . For the application of LCC analysis, realistic premises can be obtained from measuring the public presentation of similar assets, carry oning literature reappraisals, obtaining information from makers, sellers, contractors, and utilizing mean support and care costs ( Robinson, 1996 ) and it should be pe rformed early in the design stage. The finding of costs is an built-in portion of the plus direction procedure. LCC analysis can be applied to any capital investing determination in which higher initial costs are traded for decreased hereafter disbursals.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Midsouth Chamber of Commerce Essay

Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A) Wednesday August 24, 2010 Brian Putallaz Midsouth Chamber of Commerce, a nonprofit, member driven, business advocacy group is in the processes of upgrading their current information system. Midsouth has decided they need to upgrade their information system to a more currently system, in order to increase revenue producing opportunities. Their original IS system was built by an outside consultant (who is no longer in business) on a departmental need base, rather than a company wide need. The original system was put into place in 1987, with modifications done in 1993, and 1995. During this time all IS decision were made by outside consultants, since there were no in house IT personnel. During the spring of 1996 the decision was made to hire Simon Kovecki as a systems analysis. Simon came to MSCC straight out of college and without every working with a membership organization or working with accounting software. He was placed in a difficult position since the company which originally built the system, was out of usiness so he had no ‘road map† on how the software was built. In 1998 there was reorganization and all computer system was put under Jeff Hedges domain. This again placed Simon in difficult position because Mr. Hedges was as Vice President of Public Finance. Mr. Hedges lacked a technology background and often found himself wrapped up in other projects and too busy to attend to the technology side of his duties. The reorganization would have been a perfect opportunity to add a IS manager to the ranks of upper management, but MSCC declined to do so. Later in 1998 a decision was made to move to a complete new system, an AS 400 system called UNITRAK. This particular company was chosen by Leon Lassiter and was poorly vetted. The software was in its infancy, they had only sold 1 copy, and changes were still being made to the software. During the selection process the MSCC IS analysis Mr. Kovecki, was largely ignored, as well as end users of the system. In early 1999 the decision was made by the board to move forward with purchasing and implementing the UNITRAK system. Thing did not go well, Kovecki lacked project anagement skills and proper guidance from above. Due to the lack of an IS manager in the ranks of upper management there was no one to keep the project on track. This resulted in a poor migration that was months to late, data was corrupted and os an the new system NITRAK was inoperable. Jack Wallingford: President of Midsouth Chamber of Commerce Ed Wilson: Vice President Public Affairs Did not seem to be interested in IS side of organization. Later was key in pulling away the lone IS employee during a key time of the implementation. Leon Lassiter: Vice President of Marketing/ Membership Wore many hats for the organization. While he seemed to have a vision as to what he wanted in an IS system, he was unclear on how to go there. He made decision to go with UNITRAK and made some key mistakes during his decision making process. Ted Vassici: Initial information systems person for MSCC, as an outside consultant He built and made all IS recommendation for MSCC until 1996. His company later went out of business and he was not available for questions on his custom developed oftware. Simon Kovecki: Information Systems Analysis Kovecki was the lone IS employee, though his concerns with UNITRAK were largely ignored, he was tasked with the migration to the new system. Jeff Hedges: Vice President of Public Finance Though he lacked a technology background, during the reorganization in 1998 was placed in control for all computer systems within the organization. He had a very lackluster interested in the new UNITRAK system. Greg Grinder: President UNITRAK Perhaps his software was to new and not quite ready to be used. Out of all of these roles I believe the biggest mistake the company made was placing computers systems under Jeff Hedges. He lacked the background for it and did not have the proper vision for it. Although he was in charge of information systems, he was not involved in choosing a new system, and seemed mostly concerned with keeping their old accounting system intact. Even went as far as calling the system â€Å"Lassiter’s system†, although he was in charge of IS. Hedges did not buy into the UNITRAK system and he was not a champion of it. However he is tasked to implemented for the organization. UNITRAK was a software company in their infancy and had only sold and implemented their software once prior to MSCC. Although they were new, they seemed excited at the chance to work with organization such as MSCC and seemed very willing to adjust their software fit the end user. A big win for them, a chance to see and learn how their software would work in the field. One issue was Lassiter acting as the primary contact for UNITRAK, although the employees in charge of the

Thursday, August 29, 2019

APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS Essay

APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS - Essay Example Poor monitoring of heparin, Heparin interacts with contact activation pathway than tissue factor pathway, therefore making APTT not an ideal monitoring tool for heaprinoid since it is prone to nonheparin influences. (c) (I) The most probable diagnosis is hemophilia. This is because from the reference range, APTT is abnormal and we are to look at the coagulation in intrinsic pathway. It is clear that abnormal APTT is a result of abnormalities in the IX, XI, XII and FVII. A shortage in FVIII stops coagulation thus making clot not to form. This causes weak clot to form which is susceptible to knocks and bumps that will increase the level of hemophilia, thus the reason the boy is having pain on his left elbow, as there is recurrent bleeding. (ii) Hemophilia is disease caused by continuous recurrent bleeding. A deficiency in the FVIII which is a clotting factor causes a clot not to form thereby resulting is sustainable tissue damage that are prone to mechanical and fibrinolytic damage. Th e common site of hemorrhage is the weight bearing parts of the body such as the elbows and knees since they bear strain because of weight moreover their daily movements are susceptible to bumps and knock that can lead to more hemorrhage. This recurrent bleeding on to joints is very painful and results in tissue damage. As this problem persists for a long time it may necessitates the replacement of the affected joints since there will continuous contraction and loss in movement. 2. (a) When a normal neutrophil is smeared with a combination of May Grunewald and Giemsa stain, the neutrophil appears in a round or oval shaped cells when observed and the cells have granulated cytoplasm and eccentric...This digestion is composed of two parts: oxidize or respiratory response in which it involves the activation of non-mitochondrial oxidize enzymes that generates toxic oxygen species and the other process involves the release of neutrophil granule content into the ingested material. The combi nation of these two processes results into an effective killing mechanism. After this, the neutro...

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

SDS PAGE Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SDS PAGE - Term Paper Example -mecaptoethamol prevents oxidation of cysteines and break up disulphide bonds, Bromophenyl dye is used to help in visualizing the sample as it travels across the gel and glycerol is added to make the sample fall to the bottom. (Leamlli, 1970). Electric charge is applied across the gel to influence the movement of protein molecules to positively charged end. Principal behind SDS PAGE The structure of protein molecules to be separated has portions of negative and positive charges resulting from charged R-groups of particular amino acid and hydrophobic portions of nonpolar R-groups hence difference in shapes and sizes of protein molecules. (Hempelmann, 2008) Therefore, the first stage of SDS PAGE is to make the protein molecules linear and to ensure that there are no secondary, tertiary, or quaternary molecular structures in the sample. This is achieved by injecting the sample with SDS, which is a detergent that can dissolve the membrane and solubilise the protein molecules. Its negativ e charge overcome positive charges of protein molecules. The resulting protein is denatured, linearized, and negatively charged. The next stage in SDS PAGE is the separation process. This is based on the molecular size and weight of the molecules, sieving properties of the gel is of great assistance at this stage since protein molecules have the same charge-to-mass-ratio. The gel is not a solid but made up of series of tunnel of different diameters running from one end to the other and are scattered through the gel. (SDS PAGE, 2009) Velocity of particles moving through an electric field is directly proportional to strength of the electric field and degree of charge in the particle but inversely proportional to size of the particles and viscosity of the medium. This is the basis upon which protein of different sizes are separated. (SDS PAGE. 2009). The discontinuous pH parts of the gel come handy in aligning the proteins properly at the starting point. Laemmli gel is composed of stac ker and running gel, the running gel is buffed with Tris to pH of 8.8 with HCl; stacker gel is adjusted with Tris to pH 6.8 with HCl. The electrode buffer is adjusted to pH 8.3 using glycine and the gel is then run at a constant voltage. (Leamlli, 1970) When the power is switched on, glycine (which is a weak acid and can exist in an uncharged state as zwitterions at low pH, or in a charged state as glycinate anion at high pH) ions in the running buffer wants to move away from the negative electrode towards the sample and the stacking gel. The pH in stacking gel is low and so glycin ions lose their charge and slow down. In the stacker and sample, negatively charged mobile chloride ions move away from the cathode creating a narrow zone of very low conductance (very high electrical resistance) in the top of the stacking gel. Almost all the applied voltage is concentrated in this small zone. The very high field strength makes the negatively charged proteins to move forward. The trick, h owever, is that they can never outrun the chloride ions. If they did, they would find themselves in a region of high conductance and very low field strength and would immediately slow down. The result is that all the proteins move through the stacker in a tight

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The efficiency of teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The efficiency of teaching - Essay Example While talking about the affective considerations, one can not simply skip the theory of reflective judgement. The three level model of Van Manen’s curriculum development, in which emancipatory ideals are to question and analyse the assumptions, values and presuppositions as a means of interpreting the nature and quality of educational experience requires much attention at this juncture. (as cited in A. Moon, 1999, p. 17) A teacher’s feeling at home in the class room which was considered at the outset as an awkward moves by the author was understood quite effective later as the teacher completely absorbed herself in the situation with her students. (Van Manen, 1995, p. 46) Imagine a little boy or girl asking scores of questions with the parent. Is the kid a teacher and the parent a pupil? The flow of knowledge in this example is undoubtedly from the person who answers. Like that, if pupils in classroom were allowed or even obligated to ask questions, can’t we exce l in our pedagogy? The traditional notion that teaching is imparting knowledge in one direction has a long time back faded. Early in 1970s the didactic authoritarianism dispensing instant learning surfaced the point of evolutionary realisation. Many advocates of discovery learning began to see teacher more as observers than as participants in the transactions of classrooms. (Stones and Morris, 1972, p. 52) In conventional teaching methods teachers simply forced the students to be more attentive to acquire knowledge.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Andrew Jackson and William T. Sherman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Andrew Jackson and William T. Sherman - Essay Example Despite their important places in history, the credibility of both men has been a long debated issue. Known popularly as the ‘Old Hero’, Jackson was revered as a president bigger than life, whose prominence attributed him to an era. Despite his immense impact on the growth of the American economy during the years of his presidency, he is also argued as someone who was under the control of rather than being in control of the forces that governed the economic and political scenario during his era (Sean Wilentz, 2005). In contrast, there is a unanimous agreement to the fact that Sherman managed to succeed in his military offensives largely due to his ability in organization and command in the military and the consistency with which he played a psychological assault on his opponents. He was also known to display his ruthless rage with a sense of clarity (Edward Robins, 1905). Jackson as a leader was known to yearn for the agrarian past, which had dominated the American economy until then. In fact, he is widely regarded as devoting a large time during his term in office in an inconsistent battle towards resisting the prospects of a revolution in the markets (Robert Vincent Remini, 1969). In contrast to these differing personalities, Sherman was a man whose nature could be easily perceived from his behavior. He was someone whose complicated attitude would create a charming and interesting opinion, but would nevertheless do little towards helping anyone embrace him closely. He was known to be short tempered, garrulous and aggressive in his approach. Just like Jackson supported the practice of slavery, Sherman was a known racist (Faunt Le Roy Senour, 1865). Despite his insecurities, he was well acclaimed with the war and how to go about finishing it. Sherman was known to stir controversies with his provocative personality and often provided assurances on issues that others would

Sunday, August 25, 2019

An organisational diagnosis of Nestl-UK using the Weisbord six-box Essay

An organisational diagnosis of Nestl-UK using the Weisbord six-box model - Essay Example In a general sense,organisational diagnosis is defined as a tool by which specific knowledge pertaining to reality in an organisation may be established in order to guide managers in understanding the organisation as well as its essential elements Project’s overall aims and objectives In a general sense, organisational diagnosis is defined as a tool by which specific knowledge pertaining to reality in an organisation may be established in order to guide managers and other decision makers in understanding the organisation as well as its essential elements, and in formulating necessary interventions (Grave, Gimenez, MendezA & Crubellate, 2001). As applied in this proposed study, however, the organisational diagnosis will be used as an instrument to examine whether or not the components of an organization are synchronous with the other components in order to facilitate the exploration of formal and informal systems, towards the promotion of greater organisational effectiveness as envisioned in Anderson (2010). The motivation to carry out this proposed research study was prompted by a generalization posited in Ely (1999) that â€Å"organizations are not simply gendered; they are also raced and classed† (p. 2). However, none of the studies surveyed during the preliminary review of literature and studies ventured to perform any method of organizational diagnosis to investigate relationships between the outcome of the diagnosis and the profile of the respondents who participated in the exercise. This is a gap in knowledge which this proposed study hopes to address. Hence, this study will attempt to perform an organisational diagnosis of Nestle, UK to identify problems or issues confronting the organization with the end in view of proposing interventions or alternative courses of action. Specifically, the objectives of the proposed study are to: (1) describe the profile of the members of the organisation in terms of gender, age, civil status, ethnicity, s ocio-economic status, position, and work experience; (2) examine the following organisational variables in terms of central tendency and dispersion : purposes, structure, leadership, relationships, rewards, helpful mechanisms, and attitude towards change; (3) identify the strong points of the organization based on the empirical results of the diagnosis; (4) identify the weak points of the organization based on the empirical results of the diagnosis; (5) investigate significant associations between the ratings generated in each of the organisation variables from the diagnosis and the respondents’ profile variables; (6) formulate strategies / interventions based on the outcome of the organizational diagnosis. The proposed study will be conducted with the Nestle UK headquarters as research locale, situated at St. Georges House, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1NR. There are about 300 employees working in the Nestle Croydon office. A minimum sample of 119 is required for the office populati on, based on a web-based sample sized calculator (Raosoft, 2004). A screenshot of the calculation output is presented as Appendix A. An organisational diagnostic questionnaire adapted from Preziosi (1980) will serve as the main research instrument. The complete questionnaire is presented with this proposal as Appendix B. The independent variables in this study are the profile variables, namely: gender, age, civil status, ethnicity, socio-economic status, position, and work experience. On the other hand, the dependent variables are the components of the organization as enunciated in Weisbord (2011) and Preziosi (1980) namely: purposes, structure, leadership, relationships, rewards, helpful mechanisms, and attitude towards change. Literature review From a preliminary survey of existing knowledge in this area, there were at least 20 researches carried out since the 1970s, with the pioneering works of Preziosi (1972, 1980) and Weisbord (1976). However, not all the 20 studies utilized We isbord’s six-box model. Some of the earlier studies like that of Armenakis, Bedeian and Niebuhr (1979), Pond, Armenakis and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

U.S History pre-1877 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U.S History pre-1877 - Movie Review Example While films like â€Å"dancing with the wolves† has shown the beauty of nature and the way human beings can feel romantic about the natural things, Black Robe is just dull and depriving without any romanticizing of nature. However, the Indians are also human beings and this fact is depicted in the film as the film provides many glimpses of their tenderness and sensitivity. However, they engage in brutal and cruel activities more for the sake of their faith and belief in God, rather than for themselves. Therefore, they consider the sacrifice of flesh a sacrament for their faith. The opening scenes of places in New France also show French as equally vulgar and dirty. The film provides a message that given the chance and circumstances, French men can also become cruel like the Indians. Although there is a vast cultural difference, the opening scenes show the commonality of two cultures, white French and Red Indians as both are equally superstitious, being very funny about the interaction of spirituality with the physical bodies of human kind, belonging to both the communities. This is very well expressed in the processional scenes and dance shows that come in the beginning of the film. This certainly highlights the meaningful cultural relationship, at least with regard to the brutality of human kind........( Canby, 1991 Black Robe) This is a civil war epic produced by Freddie Fields, which shows the 54 Regiment of Massachusetts comprising of mainly black men, including the escaped slaves from south and some free Northern blacks. However, the regiment has a distinguished character as they are given rough combat training only to loot the southern towns while destroying its habitants and collect the profits from the goods’ sales lifted during such raids and looting carnage. The film is again different from other war films as the training and raising of battalions gets a back seat in the film., while the bravery

Friday, August 23, 2019

When Science and Christianity Meet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

When Science and Christianity Meet - Essay Example According to the paper the Bible introduces the main characters in the story of creation. These are God and a man. God is introduced as the Almighty Creator with the power to speak things into existence. The creation story teaches us that man was created from soil before God breathed into him. Therefore, God is the author of creation and the source of life. While the truth has been contested through science, the story of creation appeals to reality given its explanation of the regeneration of mankind. The Bible tells us that God was pleased with creation. The modern education system has not been able authoritatively refute that. The story explains the fall of man and the beginning of suffering. Morality is first introduced in through the fall of man when the serpent deceived Adam.  From this study it is clear that the story shows that God keeps His word and promises. The life and occurrences after the fall of man set the stage for suffering. They also show why God had to redeem man kind. God introduced the Law of Moses to familiarize His nature to the children of Israel. The law revealed His preferences. However, the law never solved the problem of enmity between God and man. God had to send Jesus to come and be a sacrifice for the sin. Most of the ancient prophets left records which have been authenticated scientifically to be true. A telling example is the Dead Sea scrolls. This gives the Bible credibility and authority in the determination of the place of God in life.

Tariffs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tariffs - Assignment Example Nevertheless, in some countries, tariff still counts much as source of government revenue. The government can also employ tariff as a measure to protect domestic industries. Sometimes global competition can harm the domestic industries which have not realized full economy of scale. Industrialized countries may have industry that can produce products at a low costs partly due to government subsidization. When those products are imported to a given country, they may bring unhealthy competition and make local industry collapse. In this regard, government may put trade barriers in terms of tariff duty to discourage importation of certain products and allow the growth of the local industry. As a matter of fact, a close examination of the tariff used by different countries has disclosed that, to a greater extent, the competitiveness of the industry is linked to the tariff imposed on the same products (WTO pp 1). When the states want to strike a balance between allowing imports and at the same time giving a chance for the local industries to grow, they use tariff quotas. Tariffs quotas work on the principle of assigning no or low duty to a given volume of goods imported and then charging higher rates to any imported goods above that limit. The World Trade Organization bans the idea of quantitative restrictions as a way of protecting local industries but it allows the system to be employed for this purpose. Lastly, punitive tariff can be used to remedy trade imbalance that results from measures used by other countries. For instance, Antidumping Agreement empowers states to use antidumping duties to rectify cases of proven dumping injurious situations. Equally, the Subsidies Agreement provides for other states to impose countervailing duties if an exporting country has subsidized its manufacturer (summer and Smith pp 4). Overall, tariff is an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Mainwaring goes on to argue that because â€Å"Only a little more than 53%† of the signers were Republican, and the rest an assortment of parties, gay marriage is a â€Å"common, mainstream concern†, to be shared among citizens of all backgrounds. Mainwaring defends the signers of this petition, stating that because they signed an anti-gay marriage petition, their actions cannot be chalked up to homophobic motives. He says that â€Å"the vast majority simply view ‘marriage’ as an immutable term that can only apple to heterosexuals†, and that â€Å"’we’ shouldn’t mess with [the term marriage]†. I mentioned before that Mainwaring’s opinion on this topic is considerably unique. This is because he himself is, in fact, gay. It was not only the fact that Mainwaring decided to mention this, but also the juxtaposition of this statement that was mildly infuriating to me. To me, placing the fact that he is gay directly after his statements defending the people who signed the petition is a bit like an African-American saying â€Å"I think blacks should be subject to a lower standard of living than whites†¦and it’s okay for me to think this because I’m black! If a black person were to say this today, this would be considered socially unacceptable from nearly every person in this country, and it should be the same for Mainwaring and all other gays. It’s extremely difficult for me to even begin to wrap my head around how Mainwaring can even have this opinion. How he can blatantly undermine the oppressed minority he has categorized himself into, simply because â€Å"we should not attempt to force into an old construct something that was never meant for same-sex partnerships† is appalling. Mainwaring believes that simply because the term â€Å"marriage† has meant one thing for the past two hundred years, it simply cannot be open to interpretation, like many other dated laws. So many different sections of the constitution have been twisted and bent toward various opinions, just as the following should be. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The argument that Mainwaring is trying to make is ill-supported and weak. It is less credible that the late 1920’s â€Å"Separate but Equal† mantra, considering civil unions, which Mainwaring proposes for gays, are in no way even close to being equal to a â€Å"traditional† marriage. Before the Civil Rights Movement, many people were raised to believe that blacks were meant to be inferior. However, as awareness arose, people began to realize that this simply is not true; under the eyes of the law, there should be virtually no difference between a black person and a white person. Likewise, there should be no difference between a gay or a straight couple. A civil union is in no way a reasonable alternative for gays, and if us as Americans were to make that statement the new â€Å"traditional†, there one day in the future may be no limits on the term â€Å"marriage†.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

M-Pesa innovation products of Safari

M-Pesa innovation products of Safari CHAPETER 1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM M-Pesa is one of the ingenious innovation products of Safari- com Kenya, it is a mobile money transfer that enables Safari-com subscribers to send and receive money to anyone of the mobile network. It was developed by Vodafone, which holds a 35% share in Safari-com. The M stands for mobile. Pesa is Swahili for money. Since its introduction in March of 2007, the M-PESA money transfer system has seen its popularity with the un-banked population surge, making the application a great success all over the country. For example, between March 2007 and September 2008, M-pesa person to person transfers hit the Sh54 billion mark with December alone last year accounting for an additional Sh14 billion. To call M-PESA a success would be an understatement. Today you can use your phone to pay for cab rides and electricity, to get money out of ATMs without owning an ATM card or even having a traditional bank account. This has caused jitters in the banking industry. It is worthy noting here that most of the Kenya’s live in local remote areas and do not have access to banking services. The M-PESA service does not require users to have bank accounts. All they need to do is register at an authorized M-PESA agent by providing their Safari-com mobile number and their identification card. Once registered, the user can buy digital funds at any M-Pesa agent and send that electronic cash to any other mobile phone user in Kenya by SMS. Recipients can either redeem this for conventional cash at M-Pesa agent outlets or buy Safari-com airtime for themselves and other subscribers. An M-Pesa-enabled mobile phone can also function as an electronic wallet, holding up to â‚ ¬500 (50,000 Kenyan shillings). The service has lowered transaction costs for users in terms of money, time and risk. An urban dweller that used to send money to his nuclear family, other relatives or anyone else using the post office, bus services or friends traveling home can now remit funds quickly and safely for a small fee. The recipient can then obtain cash using an M-pesa agent of choice. The service is being used to make payments for lower value goods and services, thus increasing the velocity of business. You can haggle with a hawker on the street and make an electronic payment for whatever you buy. Instead of traveling upcountry to pay school fees or cater for unforeseen expenses, parents can now agree with friends or teachers to make payments on their behalf after getting the money transferred electronically to them. People who were too poor to open a bank account can now have a transaction account at their disposal. Only about 2 million Kenyans have bank accounts out of a population of around 36 million. Therefore, the potential to broaden access to financial services is massive. Though the product has is clearly gained prominence among the low income earners, high income earners Small and medium organizations it has not gone down well with the major Banking key players who are opposing it. 90% of Kenyans do not have an account in a regular bank. Across Africa, only 20% of families have formal bank accounts, according to a World Bank survey. In Tanzania the percentage is as low as 5%, and in Liberia 15%. But the proliferation of mobile telephone services around the continent has opened a new way to extend financial service 1.1 Research questions What are the financial needs that M-Pesa meets as an agent of money transfer? Is the M-Pesa product reliable and accessible in meeting the financial needs in Kenya? 1.2 Research Objectives 1. To find out the effects/ contributions of M-Pesa as a product of Safari com to society 2. Find out the impacts of M-Pesa in the banking sector in Kenya 3. To find out who are the main population segments targeted by M-Pesa product in Kenya 4. To find out the methodologies used by Safari com as an M-Pesa provider to satisfy customers needs RATIONALE OF THE RESEARCH Known as M-pesa, or mobile money, the service is expected to revolutionize banking in a country where more than 80% of people are excluded from the formal financial sector. Apart from transferring cash; a service much in demand among urban Kenyans supporting relatives in rural areas, customers of the Safaricom network will be able to keep up to 50,000 shillings ( £370) in a virtual account on their handsets. Mobile phone growth in Kenya, as in most of Africa, has been remarkable, even among the rural poor. In June 1999 Kenya had 15,000 mobile subscribers. Today it has nearly 8 million out of a population of 35 million. In time, M-pesa will allow people to borrow and repay money, and make purchases. Companies will be able to pay salaries directly into workers phones; something that has already attracted the interest of larger employers, such as the tea companies, whose workers often have to be paid in cash as they do not have bank accounts. The M-pesa project is being watched closely by mobile operators around the world as a way of targeting the multibillion pound international cash transfer industry long dominated by companies such as Western Union and Money gram. According to the World Bank, remittances sent from nearly 200 million migrant workers to developing countries totalled  £102bn in the year 2007. The GSM Association, which represents more than 700 mobile operators worldwide, believes this could quadruple by 2012 if transfers by SMS become the norm. Vodafone has entered a partnership with Citigroup that would soon allow Kenyans in the UK to send money home via text message. The charge for sending  £50 is expected to be about  £3, less than a third of what some traditional services charge. SME’s in Kenya are making use of M-pesa. This is mainly because the service has been found to be liquid, flexible, acceptable, safe and reliable. M-pesa has also had an impact on microfinance institutions since members send virtual funds to their group leader, and the group leaders give the funds to the microfinance organization. Users can send between 100 Kenyan shillings ($1.5) and 35,000 shillings ($530) via a text message to a desired recipient; even someone using a different mobile network. The recipient then can obtain the cash from a Safaricom agent by entering a secret code and showing personal identification. M-pesa gives people too much access (24/7) to their cash which could undermine saving culture. Analysis shows that the M-PESA-based cash transfers are secure, enable a quick emergency response, are cost-effective and empower communities. Cash transfers give households access to a wider range of commodities. The injection of cash also strengthened the local economy. The role of information technology in empowering the poor the ability of mobile phones to send SMS expands the range of cheap communication available to the poor. Isolated communities now know how to receive remittances by using M-PESA. Communities also see advantages in using their mobile phones to develop early warning and security alarm systems to prevent cattle-rustling. Women also see income-generating opportunities by offering informal payphone services to other members of the community. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The increasing speed of transactions has been a critical part of the innovation process. At the cutting edge of money technology, corporate America is moving beyond batch processing and air couriers, to networks for integrated accounting and payments processing systems. The definition of an instantaneous money transfernot by check, but by ATM or direct computer connectionis moving inexorably toward real time, on a par with exchanges of currency, but without the need to be physically face-to-face. And the closer technology brings us to real-time remote payments, the closer we are to genuine 24-hour banking and trading, and a worldwide set of assets that might be used for wealth storage, at least for those who are willing to accept some currency risk. Firstly, it is the young, male, urban migrants who are driving the uptake of services – customer adoption. Being early adopters of technology, these migrants are usually better educated and earn higher incomes than those in the vil lage. Because these migrants are the senders, they can choose the channel for money transfer. They then influence recipients in the rural area—who are usually female, less educated and poorer—to also use M-pesa. M-pesa has been successful because it relies on traditional practices and structures and modernizes these features. It is indeed a model based on indigenous payment practices, extended mobile phone networks and a large distribution network. With this service, Kenyans can open up a digital account on the cell phone, send and receive money, pay bills like electricity and obtain credit. Users can also withdraw money from ATMs The distribution network is based on agents who were already present in markets. Agents receive basic training from M-pesa. Only three months after the launch of M-pesa, the service had 400 agents, compared to 450 bank branches and 600 ATMs in Kenya. By mid 2009 M-pesa had 3400 agents. Safaricom’s M-pesa service in Kenya was one of 10 private sector initiatives in 2008 to be recognized by the World Business and Development Award as making a significant contribution to the UN Millennium Development Goals. M-pesa has also been recognized by several other awards, including: Stockholm Challenge 2008 – Winner, Economic Development category ( M-pesa) Kenyan Banking Awards 2007 and 2008 – Special Award for Product Innovation (M-pesa) Global Mobile Awards 2008 – Nominated, Best use of Mobile for Social and Economic Development (M-pesa) Global Mobile Awards 2008 – Winner, Best Broadcast Commercial (M-pesa ‘Send Money Home’ TVC) AfricaCom Awards 2008 – Changing Lives award and Best Solution for Rural Services award MSK Warrior Awards 2008 – Best Innovation. Kenya’s independent Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSD), which aims to support the development of inclusive financial markets in Kenya, carried out a survey of M-pesa use in 2008. The survey aimed at establishlishing the opportunities and challenges presented by the service and how it could be introduced in other countries. The survey of 3,000 randomly selected households across Kenya, 300 randomly selected M-pesa agents and 50 M-pesa Head offices found almost 40% of households use M-pesa, with 63% sending regular financial support. Of those surveyed: 90% believe their money is safe with M-pesa 81% find M-pesa very easy to use and a further 15% say it is quite easy to use 84% say losing M-pesa would have a large negative effect. Compared with alternatives, those surveyed find M-pesa is: Quicker (98%) More convenient (96%) Safer (98%) Cheaper (96%) Concern Worldwide pioneered the use of M-pesa for bulk cash transfers during the post-election emergency in early 2008 in the Kerio Valley, one of the remotest parts of Kenya. During the violence, cattle rustlers attacked communities in the Kerio Valley, looting their livestock and displacing them. Concern’s initial response was to provide food aid, but carrying and distributing food proved very costly and insecure. Cash transfers were seen as a way of overcoming the challenges posed by the terrain and the security situation. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY The study will be based in Nakuru a town which is surrounded by a network of small village towns, also comprising of low and middle income earners The study proposes to use both secondary data and primary data to achieve its objectives. The secondary data will be obtained from Safari-com website on issues of corporate and social responsibility, monthly newsletters and annual reports. The research will prefer qualitative as it is considered as the most appropriate on account of it being amenable to use of innovative techniques in exploring relatively unexplored research areas (kamoche, 2001; Yin 1994). The researcher will also use mixture of research methods and these are; semi structured questionnaires, surveys and oral interviews to collect data. Quota sampling will also be used to collect data regarding population segments targeted by M-Pesa product. 3.1 Data analysis and methods The data will be summarized and classified in terms of variable objectives of the study in order to enhanced further analysis and processing. The responses to the various items will be coded then keyed in a matrix for this purpose. The data will be entered, edited and cleansed to ensure correct entry of the response. Descriptive (frequencies, means, standard deviations and graphical illustrations) will be used for the analysis to help in establishing the findings on the objectives of the study 3.2 Information Validity and Reliability The questionnaire will be pre-tested with Safari com to authentic reliability. The pre- testing study/pilot study will be done, 100 km from Nakuru away from the study area and will be done to avoid any possible influence on trial respondents before the actual survey 4 REFLECTIONS Due to the size of general population in Kenya, time within which the research should be completed and the cost that would be involved if all the country were studied, the study will cover a cross section of Nakuru residents who will be represent the rest of the country. This study therefore proposes to use cross sectional survey because it is cheap to do and the results from the sample can be inferred to the larger population The M-Pesa product has been in the market for a barely two years and therefore there isn’t much literature about it however the results from this research will guide future research in this area 4.1 Ethical issues The first step was to seek permission from management by writing a letter to Safari-com management. This was important get authorization. Since various people including Safari- com employees, general public and other stakeholders will be interviewed it is important to seek permission from these people before interviewing or giving them questionnaires. Before commencement had the researcher will seek permission from management by writing while assuring them that the copy of research would be provided and none will be published outside without their permission. Under no circumstances would personal details to be divulged according to the data protection Act. It will be responsibility of the researcher to assure participants that it will be their sole decision to comment or give opinion. Another important issue is time and therefore it is upon the researcher to find time for interviews not to disrupt any organizations business. REFERENCES Alice t. Liu Michael K. Mithika- the credit bureau and m banking research study- USAID, April2009. Mobile phone lifeline for worlds poor, 27/02/07, Kenya: Safaricom aims for the big game 02/08/2007. Kenya sets world Kenya sets world first with money transfers by mobile, 20/03/2007, Annual results presentation, 21/05/2009 http://www.the case study: Kenyans to use mobile phones to pay utility bills

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Current Trends In Hotel Industry Tourism Essay

The Current Trends In Hotel Industry Tourism Essay In  economics, a  service  is an  intangible  commodity. More specifically, services are an intangible equivalent of  economic goods. It sets a onetime benefit; delivered from the accountable service provider, mostly in close coactions with his internal and external service suppliers, effectuated by distinct functions of technical systems and by distinct activities of individuals, respectively, commissioned according to the needs of his service consumers by the service customer from the accountable service provider, rendered individually to an authorized service consumer at his/her dedicated trigger, and, finally, consumed and utilized by the triggering service consumer for executing his/her upcoming business activity or private activity. The nature of the service, strategies for improvement, and understand the customers perception of having that is very popular among researchers over the past two decades (for examples, leonard and sasser, 1982; lockwood, 1996; johns and lee-ross, 1998). Increases the other hand, the growing economic importance of the service sector in many countries has been in quality initiatives including guided centrally based European Foundation for Quality Management. Many hospitality, tourism organization have taken this challenge focuses on customer orientation employee performance in the interface, the recognition of the centrality of meeting service By this definition, customer / employee interviews have the potential for conflicts. In a service context that feeling cannot be met exactly, but it provides a cautionary note for Service Manager, because the customers perception of product quality connection often depends on the interaction between customers and employees. The History of Hotels: From Economic To Extravagant The hotel has a very long history, but not as we know it today, back in the 6th Century began to develop BC, when the first inn in and around the city of London. The first match for travelers, offering them a simple roof to stay. This condition of the hotel was long before the industrial revolution in England, the new ideas and developments made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹in the field to keep the inn. The invention of the steam engine to travel even more important. Who had more and more people are traveling not only for business but also for the sake of recreation. This will lead to the actual development of the hotel industry, as we know it today. Hotel today not only provide the basic needs of customers, such as food and shelter much more personalized services such as hotels, etc. are now a home away from home. Evidence of the hotels and restaurants has as far back as biblical times, when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem collected during the census. As shown in the Bible, Mary and Joseph were refused accommodations because it. No room in the inn Since the dawn of time, people have traveled for trade, religion, family, health, immigration, education and recreation. Such as Texas Tech University, cited the word hospitality from the Latin root meaning host or hospice. The University has also noted that the first hotels were only private homes open to the public. Most unfortunately had a bad reputation. Under the influence of the Roman Empire and breakfast and hotels catering to the delight of travelers began in an effort to encourage visitors. The first hostel in America was recorded in 1607 and paves the way for many other firsts in the hospitality industry. The first hotel of the public (City Hotel), owned in New York opened in 1792. The first modern (Tremont) opened in Boston in 1809 and the hotel first opened (Buffalo Statler) in 1908. Current trends in hotel industry Hospitality Industry continued to change, which has made it more practical and functional in the world! The types of services and facilities that are offered by the great industry and has emerged from the past decade. All this is possible because of the widespread use of technology, environment friendly services, pricing, market division, regional preferences, etc. The relation of technology and hospitality industry will grow stronger in the years to come. The use of technology is present in all departments of the hotel, the upgrade reflects the motion of the hotel services. Keeping the entire latest trend in the memory of the hospitality industry, KONEKT V4 application that you would definitely want to explore. This is the application that will help you reach your customers in one click. The main attraction is the dashboard application. Is an unconventional marketing tracker is sensitive facts giving minute to give you the latest campaigns and activities conducted by you. The time, name and number of customers who liked your Facebook page, make your table reservation, you asked for any questions or comments about your application also can track comments on the same page! CRM systems help you to increase the advertising campaigns for events, and you can send informative mailers to customers, after core build your brand. It is a system that works on all digital platforms and databases also you can get more for clients achieve your Hotel, Restaurant and Resorts. It is the only system to integrate the old with the new database, so that you can get, its data in a single view. It works perfectly with the iPhone and iPad systems. It is built in a way that let you miss any opinion or report, even when youre away! Travelers increasingly will turn to their mobile devices not only research accommodation and travel options, but to book and communicate directly with the hotel options. Booking mobile channel has been multiplied by four between 2008 and 2010 according to Forrester Research. In addition, Google provides the mobile PC that exceed the device the most common internet access by 2013! To smart phones and tablets travel at a rapid pace, it is imperative for hoteliers to use their website for mobile capture potential mobile transactions. Revenue management has changed since the days it was first introduced by the airline industry in 1970 to be a complex science today. Managers always lowering prices to stimulate sales when demand is low and prices have risen during periods of peak demand. Hotels are now able to update prices for all future arrival dates to meet the market demands every day, through the application of advanced market information. TravelClick has reported passenger demand and visualize group bookings a year in advance. In addition, the Smith Travel Research reports that will soon provide information by looking at future bookings, rather than historical figures that. (By Robert A. Rauch, CHA) Gueridon a form of service in restaurants food service to their customers is provided. This type of service includes the preparation of food (mainly salads, main dishes such as beef stroganoff, or desserts) in direct view of the customer, with a round table. A table usually consists of a trolley equipped for cooking, preparing and serving food. There is a gas stove, cutting board, cutlery drawer, cold room (depending on the type of carriage) region and for general working capital. Dishes such as these are generally Crepes Suzette, Caesar Salad, Cherries Jubilee, and banana flambà © steak tartar Read more: FUTURE Trends of hotel industry The hotel industry is in the midst of a transformation that affects virtually all aspects of the industry and its stakeholders. Essences the transformation of the hotel industry is changing its approach to concentrate more focused on the customer and brand insentive. Product and support services are developed around the perceived needs and desires of the customer for customer satisfaction. In the future, the focus will be customer focused to a level that transcends medical examinations. It will focus on the emotional and psychological needs and wants more precisely defined target audience. Hotels then use this knowledge to market a wide range of products and services through strong brands to a loyal customer for life. Some ramifications of changes will be made as reserves, trading activities and high taste information will be more automated. There will be a greater personal guest of technology accurate and fast service. Services and mobile technologies will be prompted to supply any service in the property. Supports functions such as accounting, human resources, reservations, etc. will be centralized at the place the most profitable worldwide. Medium sized hotels will be taken by brand chain like the Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Ramada, etc. while location will be the priority to choose a hotel by future traveler, brand names will be the next preference. Another aspect of future trends would be fusion of cuisines. The French started this trend with the Nouvelle Cuisine mixing eastern food products with western ones. Fusions restaurant will grow as the new adventurous public will search for new gastronomic experiences. (Intro to Hospitality Tourism   By Sudhir Andrews) A  bunkhouse is a youth hostel or barracks-like building that historically was used to cowboys working on ranches in North America. Like most cowboys were young single men, the standard bunkhouse was a large open room with narrow beds or cots for each individual and little privacy. The bunkhouse of the late 19th century was generally heated by a wood stove and personal needs were attended to in an outbuilding. A capsule hotel is a type of hotel, developed in Japan, which is a large number of very small rooms (capsules) cheap and easy accommodation for guests who do not require offers the services of more conventional hotel services offered. A condo hotel, also known as the hotel-condo or a Condotel, is a building used as a hotel and two condominium. Condo hotels are usually high-rise buildings developed and operated as luxury hotels in major cities and resorts in general. These residential units which allow someone to have a holiday full service. If they do not use this home can be used to ensure that the marketing and management of the hotel chain and manage the condo unit than any other hotel room is. An  ice hotel  is a temporary  hotel  made up of  snow, sculpted blocks of  ice, and, in some cases, some steel framing. They are promoted by their sponsors and have special features for travelers who are interested in novelties and unusual environments, and thus are in the class of  destination hotels. Their lobbies are often filled with  ice sculptures, and food and drinks are specially chosen for the circumstances. A pop-up hotel is a hotel that is temporary, being in one place for a short period before being moved. These hotels can be constructed from prefabricated modules that are connected together on site or from removable structures such as tents or they can be completely mobile, being built on a large vehicle. These hotels provide accommodation for seasonal events or unique such as music festivals in the outdoors. A Turbaza is, generally the Soviet era, the Russian form of cheap, spartan, holiday, a visit or a base camp tour. Turbazas are generally rented to groups or companies who rent the entire facility for holiday accommodation Oops for their members or employees. They are gene rally rustic located in rural areas that offer outdoor recreation. Eat, sleep, and often is housed in a large open space and common. A  love hotel  is a type of short-stay hotel found around the world operated primarily for the purpose of allowing couples privacy for  sexual activities. (^  Schreiber, Mark, Back to the future of a hotel for 2001,Japan Times, 16 January 2011, pp. 7-8). Managers problems In the hotel managers are responsible for all management of human resources, or as appropriate, all managers have the responsibility to understand their human resources. When providing services to our clients, our primary resource is our people, our workers, our employees. Successful hospitality managers must be able to work with people. We need to develop guidance of people in our management approach. As a manager with responsibilities for human resources, your concern is that people of their needs, wants, and desires fit the needs and desires of the hotel company. We define managers as the implementation of strategies, plans and programs to attract, motivate, develop, reward and retain the best people to meet the objectives of the organization. Mike Hurst also emphasizes the role of management changes over management in the past and in conduit. The hospitality is based on the gift of friendship friendly people who care, it has become imperative in a service management concentrate on the benefits to the people and his style. The managers of today have earned a place of respect for their contribution to organizational value. The contemporary role of managers with the human resources responsibilities is a critical one to any hospitality organization. Most of the people spends more than one-third of their waking hours at their jobs, and as a manager you will make the decision that affects and influence the lives, dreams, goals and ambitions of these individual and their families. Manager in the hospitality industry participate in strategic planning sessions, understand financial documents relating to the work and the bottom line. Many managers in the host organization is part of the management team. The managers role is more important than ever before in the hospitality industry. It is up to us to keep management informed of what their needs and desires of people to be productive, and to be faithful. There are some things that came into consideration to keep them loyal; management should recognize the importance of balancing work and personal life. An opportunity to grow within the organization. A better explanation of employee benefit. A feeling that their coworker have the necessary skills to do their jobs. (Mary L. Tanke, march 2000) The globalization of labor and continuing advances in technology are changing the way the labor market. Knowledge workers are known for their special properties. These are people who analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to solve different problems. Knowledge workers actually use their intelligence, ideas, products, services and processes to implement. Your most important asset of an organization is its ability to collect and analyze data and make decisions that benefit company (Jyothi, 2010), (Bohlander G. a., 2009) Technology has had a positive effect on the internal processes of an organization, but also changed the way the work of the HR staff. Some managers in the hospitality industry will see the application of technologies to operational issues as a problem. It is true that technological systems used in the bar, front office, restaurants, etc. much more advanced and complex than those currently available only for a short time, continue to grow, these systems quickly. The approval of the computer and other technologies from all levels of an organization is a major challenge in view of the sponsoring organizations. For example, if the systems are updated and new technologies have made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the workers struggle to adapt. It is not a positive attitude towards it. (Bohlander G. a., 2009), (Hayes, 2009) The economic environment is very unpredictable and implementing change processes for each organization to make progress. Globalization and technology are the two main factors that drove the change in todays organizations. Globalization has opened new doors for business opportunities. It has led to many interventions, but also for how reform, reorganization, merger, downsizing, etc., in order to succeed, companies need to make these changes that have taken place with staff to manage the challenges occur. Change Management Sun is working smoothly for the vital organization. To do this, for example, when the new software is installed, which allows you to install the company has knowledge workers refuse to work on it. (Bohlander G. a., 2009) Due to the shortage of workers in the industry and the defection of customers of the quality of service that is affected. If the workload increases the performance of the employee moves. By too much work pressure, reduces the employees performance and, in turn, affects the quality of service. It is very important to overcome the various challenges faced by the organization to success. Company is now a day to develop the human resource function, because the meaning of HRM have been seen in the highly competitive market that exists today. In todays world of increased competition in the local and global. To succeed, businesses become stronger, more flexible and customer-oriented. Hr after for these changing market trends is adjusted. (Karan, Challenges faced by HR in the hotel industry, 2009). Staff turnover is critical for a hotel, especially if you have a high quality hotel as we do. The goal of our hotel is on exceptional customer service that will exceed customer expectations, and therefore, we invest heavily in our people. A high rate of staff turnover has an immediate effect in the hotel industry, particularly in the areas of customer service, and therefore we can not afford to lose a single employee. The rate of staff turnover in the hospitality industry is generally higher than in other sectors. One reason for this is that many of our employees are students to work at the hotel is a first step in a career for them, and as soon as they graduate from the institute, they may consider working in their field of specialization. (Jason C. Cho, 14 June 2011) The hotel industry has a high turnover, which decreases productivity and costs companies time and resources. A number of factors affect the fluctuation in the hotel and one of the reasons is ineffective in recruiting. Identify many hotels and difficult to recruit the right people. Hotel staff need advanced knowledge of beverages, which are difficult to measure for recruiters during the interview. However, recruiters develop recruitment strategies that will identify the best opportunities and recruit the best workers. Do you understand what a candidate looking at the recruitment stage can help the hotel staff turnover. (Rose Johnson, 2008) Read more: The Moscow Times To overcome this staff turnover keep in mind few thing. Which help in reduction on turnover. Understanding why employees leave. All organizations should conduct a confidential face-to-face exit interview with a HR manager (instead of the boss). Benchmark your company against current industry and geographical location. If you work in a restaurant business, you will naturally have a much higher turnover than auditing and consulting firm. Context and location are key. Set clear promotion and development policies that are transparent and fair. If an employee feels they do not progress in their role, and has no control over career development, after a certain time they will begin to look externally for a new position. Develop effective workplace policies and maintain a positive culture. Opened on appeal, bullying and harassment, the employee should be in an environment where employees feel confident to communicate about reporting problems. Investing in people management training for executives. This will enable them to not only support and reward employees effectively, but also t o intervene before small problems or escalating workloads are a reason for leaving.. The recruitment process can only be doing well if only the organization understands its requirements. The candidates should be selected according to the requirements of the organization. Different strategies are required for focusing on hiring high performers and average performers. The strategy has to be clear about the amount of experience they require. It can range from an experienced senior professional to a new fresher. It should also describe as in from which industry they require the employee. That is from the same industry, different industry, employed or unemployed professionals.